Tuesday 24 June 2014


A lot of my scans are more about The Beatles as a whole rather than Ringo specifically, but I'll post them anyway because I figure as long as he's in the article then it's relevant. Unfortunately I don't have page one of this article, but it's nice enough on it's own I think. I scanned the entire page, tattered edges and all, because personally I like it when these things show their age.

Pop snobs make George mad

..."Now that's the type I go for," said Ringo. "The ordinary, girl-next-door type."
"Wished she lived next door to me," said George.
Ringo went on: "I'm not interested in marrying anyone in show business. When I marry - and I reckon I'll be about 30 when I do - I want her to be a girl who doesn't know what this business is like."
"She'll have a shock coming to her," said Paul.
"I don't mean that I'd want her to be ignorant of the sort of life I lead," Ringo added quickly. "It's just that when I go home at night I don't want to talk about package deals, guarantees, capacities, concessions or anything else to do with being a Beatle."

The it was George Harrison's turn. "I'm mad about small blondes," he said. "I don't mind admitting it. Why not? It's not a crime to like girls, is it? Just because I'm a Beatle doesn't mean I can't have tastes in girls. I don't pretend to be brainy or anything like that. And I wouldn't want a girl who was so clever that I wouldn't know what she was talking about most of the time. I'd go mad with a girl who hated pop music and was forever saying that the classics are best. That's a sort of snobbishness I really can't stand. On the other hand I don't want to be stuck with a girl who's really soft and unintelligent."

John Lennon flicked the ash off his cigar (a new fad). "I married the kind of girl I like," he said. "That may sound soft, but it's true. I always knew the type I wanted to marry. "A lot of these so-called marriage experts reckon that opposites attract. I don't know about that, but I do know that in some ways Cynthia and I are poles apart. For instance, I am an extrovert. I like being on show, having people look at me. Cynthia doesn't. She hates being in the public eye. She's an introvert. And she'd much rather be at home looking after the baby than going all over the place with me. I don't like girls who wear too much make-up. Cynthia doesn't. I like good cooks. Cynthia is one - you should taste her apple crumble. And I like girls with an interest in art, painting and other forms of cultural expression. Cynthia often discusses these things with me."

Our limousine swung into a back entrance of the TV studio where about 50 girls were hopefully waiting the arrival of the Beatles. They screamed as the car approached. The Beatles ducked hurriedly to avoid being seen and the screams changed to groans of disappointment as the girls saw me, apparently the only passenger.
"Thanks, pal," said Ringo. "We don't often get away with that trick. All too often they catch us and do their best to tear us to pieces. Sometimes it's a wonder we aren't put off of girls for good. But where would we be without them?"

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